Dancing, whether done en pointe, in slippers, ghillies or sneakers is a beautiful and athletic art form. Participating in Dance allows one to develop great strength not only physically but mentally, emotionally and socially. However, like any sport its participants are subject to potential injuries. A dancer’s body and the demands placed on it is very unique in comparison to other athletes. Which is why the injuries suffered by a dancer differ greatly from other athletes. It is therefore important to be assessed and treated by a health professional who understands the demands placed on dancers in order to allow for a more specialized treatment and recovery.
Jamie Conrick is a registered Physiotherapy resident at the Holland Landing Heath Centre with a special interest in dance-related injury management and prevention. With 20+ years of competitive dance experience along with the knowledge and skills gained through formal physiotherapy training, Jamie is able to provide a more specialized assessment and treatment for your dancers.
For many ballet dancers starting en pointe is a major milestone in their dancing journey, however it requires a great deal of strength, flexibility and control. For this reason, it is important to undergoe a pre-pointe assessment to determine en pointe readiness. A pre-pointe assessment involves a thorough examination of the dancer’s foot control, pointe range, turn-out, pelvic stability and core control allowing the physiotherapist to determine the dancer’s readiness to start en pointe. A formal report will be made outlining what was found and the next appropriate steps.
If you are interested in physiotherapy services please contact Holland Landing Health Centre at 905-853-7900 or via e-mail at info@HLHC.ca.

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