This is the fourth article in my Household Healers series.

The first blog post in this series was all about my favourite herb: chamomile. Today’s post will be about my second favourite herb – the castor oil plant – and its many healing properties.


Castor oil has anti-inflammatory and pain blocking properties. Rubbing it on joints can help with pain and swelling. Mixing the oil with other pain-relieving herbs increases the effects.


I did an Instagram post about how castor oil is my favourite spot treatment for a pimple. It brings down the redness and size of the pimple fast. I even like it better than the popular tea tree oil for pimples. It also may reduce the appearance of scars from pimples.


Many patients find that applying castor oil to their lashes helps the lashes grow. I also like massaging it into the scalp. Castor oil strengthens the hair and helps with issues of hair falling out. Traditionally, it has been used to treat dandruff.


Taking castor oil internally is not something I recommend because it’s too strong of a laxative. Rubbing the belly in a clockwise direction with castor oil is a gentle way to treat constipation. It’s even great for kids.


Applying castor oil over the liver region has been used for decades as part of a gentle liver detox program. It’s applied around the right lower rib-cage. This is definitely in the department of folk medicine rather than research-based medicine.


Applying castor oil on the skin is a great way to sooth diaper rash. Most rashes that involve a lot of redness and inflammation can be soothed with castor oil.


Like chamomile, castor oil is a great way to treat a sty or inflammation in the eye. I apply it to my eyelids in these cases.

If you want to learn more about this amazing herb and how herbal medicine can help you, book an appointment or FREE 15-minute consult.

If you are interested in naturopathic services please contact Holland Landing Health Centre at 905-853-7900 or via e-mail at 



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