Around this time of year, I see a lot of kids to help them get ready for the school year. Naturopathic medicine is perfect for children. It’s gentle and kids often respond quickly to natural remedies and diet changes. It also gets them excited about their health and wellbeing and sets them up for healthy habits long term.

Here are the most common conditions I see kids for before school starts.


You may be surprised at how many children experience stress and anxiety around this time. Kids often don’t know how to express when they’re feeling anxious. Their anxiety can show up as tummy aches, struggles with sleeping or changes in behaviour. There are many safe and effective natural approaches to managing this. Getting anxiety under control before school starts will help your child enjoy their school year and get the most out of it.


Parents know that eczema can flare up in the fall and winter just as the school year is in full swing. This can be uncomfortable for kids and make it hard to focus on learning. Luckily, children often respond well to a good naturopathic treatment plan for eczema. They can focus less on itching and more on learning!


The back-to-school season is quickly followed by cold and flu season. When it comes to cold and flu, prevention is so much more effective than treatment. A solid immune boosting plan can make for a productive, smooth school year.


Getting through a school day can be hard with tummy troubles. The most common tummy trouble kids suffer with is constipation. I tell parents to bring their kids in before school starts so that we can work together to fix any bowel issues before it’s time to hit the books.

These are just a few of the issues that I see children for before the school year starts. If you’re wondering if naturopathic medicine is right for your child, book an appointment or free 15-minute consult today.

If you are interested in naturopathic services please contact Holland Landing Health Centre at 905-853-7900 or via e-mail at



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