You just don’t feel like yourself when you’re facing anxiety. Going out, doing chores, running errands become a drain. You have to give yourself a pep talk just to get out the door and face the day. The thought of an upcoming social event fills you with apprehension rather than excitement. You overthink, expect the worse and dwell on the negative…it’s exhausting.

So you fill your day with some calming essential oils, you take deep breaths, you go to yoga and while it certainly helps, it still feels like you’re struggling to stay afloat. It takes a toll on your physical health making you tired, ruining your skin, throwing off your stomach and making you crave junk food. It’s frustrating so you end up feeling irritable and sad and sometimes you take it out on those closest to you.

In a 2016 survey done by CAMH, 40% of participants reported having anxiety or depression. You’ll find different stats depending on the survey you look at, but the bottom line is always the same – it’s a REAL problem and it is COMMON. Let that last word sink in. You’re not alone, you’re not crazy and you’re not selfish or overreacting by seeking help.

The 8-Week Anxiety Program I run is designed to help you regain a sense of control over your stress and anxiety. It digs deep and hits at the root causes of your symptoms. It’s not a cartful of “anxiety supplements” – it’s a full body, lifestyle-makeover approach because that is how anxiety should be treated. Here’s the breakdown of each week:

Week 1 – Calm the Nervous System

Week 2 – Restore Nutrition

Week 3 – Fix Unhealthy Thinking

Week 4 – Balance Hormones

Week 5 – Heal the Gut

Week 6 – Regulate Blood Sugar and Reduce Inflammation

Week 7 – Mind Hacking Habits

Week 8 – Connect to Resources

You can choose to do this program with or without weekly acupuncture.

If you’re curious about what each week entails, book a free 15-minute consult so I can go over all the details with you.

By the end of the program you will have spent 8 solid weeks working on taking control of your anxiety. You will have put yourself in a position that makes it harder for anxiety to find a home in your life. You will feel more in control of your anxiety rather than feeling like your anxiety is controlling you. You’ll walk away with key strategies that will help you thrive in the face of anxiety. Most importantly, when you tackle anxiety, you can move on, live the lifestyle you strive for and bring out the best version of YOU for you and your loved ones.

If you are interested in naturopathic services please contact Holland Landing Health Centre at 905-853-7900 or via e-mail at



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