By Dr. Kyla Nelson, DC & Acupuncture Provider

One of the most common questions we are asked at the clinic is WHO should I see when I have low back pain?

With the constant flood of information from the internet, friends, family or co-workers, it can easily be confusing to understand what your best options are when it comes to low back pain!

Should I see my medical doctor? Or should I see my chiropractor? Or should I just wait it out and see if the low back pain goes away?

Recent research has shown that one of the most beneficial ways to help your low back pain is to use BOTH standard medical and chiropractic care.

Standard medical care may include modalities such as x-rays, medication prescriptions or education on self-management techniques. These are all great tools that can help your low back pain! BUT the good news is that ADDING chiropractic care can help your low back pain!

Using both standard medical and chiropractic care has been shown to significantly decrease your low back pain and improve overall physical function, when compared to only using standard medical care.

A trained chiropractor can use a number of different modalities such as adjustments/mobilizations, muscle release techniques, acupuncture or heat/ice application. They are also able to provide education on stretching/strengthening exercises and advice on posture/ergonomics that will help prevent your low back pain from returning.

If you’re interested in learning more about how chiropractic care can benefit you and your family please contact Holland Landing Health Centre (located in East Gwillimbury, Ontario) via or 905-853-7900. 


Goertz, Christine M., et al. “Adding chiropractic manipulative therapy to standard medical care for patients with acute low back pain: results of a pragmatic randomized comparative effectiveness study.” Spine 38.8 (2013): 627-634.



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