By Dr. Kyla Nelson, DC & Acupuncture Provider

Following up from last week – we will discuss the importance of flexibility training to help combat chronic low back pain.

Flexibility Training

When your muscles (i.e. hip flexors, hamstrings or spinal erectors) shorten or decrease in flexibility, abnormal mechanical stresses are placed on your lumbar spine. This can result in an increased curvature of the lower back, which subsequently weakens the core musculature and rotates the pelvis posteriorly – which all perpetuates chronic low back pain.

Stretching a number of different muscles, such as your hip flexors, hamstrings and spinal erectors can have a huge impact on your low back pain. By stretching these muscles you are helping to mobilize the spine, which not only increases your low back range of motion, but also helps to decrease pain levels.


Over the past few weeks we have discussed three forms of exercise that we encourage patients to perform to help combat chronic lower back pain: aerobic activity, musculature/core strengthening and flexibility training.

Although we encourage all lower back pain patients to keep moving as much as possible, it’s crucial to remember that not all lower back injuries are the same. It’s always important to have your injury examined by a trained professional, so they can appropriately guide you back into exercising.

Dr. Kyla Nelson is currently a licensed chiropractor and acupuncture provider at Holland Landing Health Centre in East Gwillimbury, Ontario. If you have any further questions concerning chronic low back pain or exercise please contact Holland Landing Health Centre at or 905-853-7900. 


Gordon, Rebecca, and Saul Bloxham. “A Systematic Review of the Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain.” Healthcare. Vol. 4. No. 2. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016



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