Low back pain is experienced by up to 85% of people in their lifetime. Here are a few quick tips to help prevent the onset of low back pain!

1. Exercise

Over and over again research has shown that exercise is key for preventing low back pain. Whether you are a walker, jogger, yogi, etc., the key is to get your body moving!

2. Build Core Strength

Your core musculature (abdominal and low back) plays a huge role in spinal stability, which prevents low back pain.

3. Proper Sleep

Sleep patterns play a huge role in determining how we feel and function. During sleep our body repairs damaged tissues, which helps heal current injuries and prevents future bouts of low back pain.

4. Take frequent breaks

We have all seen the hype about how bad sitting is for us, however any sedentary position is poor for our body. Therefore, whether or not you have a seated or standing desk – it is crucial to frequently move, go for a walk or stretch! Try to aim to change positions every 20-30 minutes!

5. Visit your local health care practitioner at the first sign of low back pain

See your health practitioner for a check up if you start to experience low back pain. We can provide a thorough examination, followed by a treatment and/or further recommendations to ensure you get back to a healthy, active and functional lifestyle!

If you have any questions about low back pain and conservative treatment options please contact Holland Landing Health Centre at info@HLHC.ca or 905-895-7900.


http:// www.chiropractic.ca/resources/back-tips/

Chang, Wen-Dien, Hung-Yu Lin, and Ping-Tung Lai. “Core strength training for patients with chronic low back pain.” Journal of physical therapy science 27.3 (2015): 619.



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